Mamba MIX32 Mixer Scene sharing feature

You can now share scenes with Mamba MIX32's new scene sharing feature that uses Dropbox in combination with your email.

A. Requirements:
    1. You should have a Dropbox Account.
    2. Mamba MIX32 should be linked (explained below) to your Dropbox account.

B. Linking Mamba MIX32 to your Dropbox account:
    The following steps show how you can link Mamba MIX32 app to your Dropbox account. These steps are necessary for sharing mixer scenes.
    1. Launch Mamba MIX32 and navigate to the Mixer options screen.
    2. Press the sync button Listed under the DropBox icon. If not already synced, you will be redirected to Dropbox where you will be asked to sign in, and allow Mamba MIX32 to create a new folder. The folder path will be:
        /Apps/Mamba MIX32
    3. After granting access, you will be redirected back to the Mixer options screen.

C. Sending scenes via email:
    You can now email mixer scenes using Mamba MIX32's email feature using the following steps.
    1. Navigate to the load scene screen. This can be done from the mixer screen or the mixer options screen.
    2. Press the Email button present on the bottom right corner of the screen. You will be prompted to select the scene you wish to email.
    3. Tap on the scene in the list of scenes.
    4. An email dialog will appear with the selected scene as an attachment. You need to have your email acount logged in. If not, it will ask you to select email and login etc.
    5. You can now specify the receiver(s) email address and send the attached scene.

D. Adding scenes from you email to Mamba MIX32 using Dropbox:
    This is a two step process:
    1. Downloading the received attached scene to the Mamba MIX32 folder inside your Dropbox
    2. Downloading the scenes from the Mamba MIX32 folder inside Dropbox to Mamba MIX32 app.

    1. Downloading the received attached scene from email to the Mamba MIX32 folder inside your Dropbox
        a. Make sure Mamba MIX32 app is linked to your Dropbox account. See section B.
        b. Download the received scene file into /Apps/Mamba MIX32 folder. This is the folder that will be used by Mamba MIX32 app for reading scene files.
            CAUTION: Do not copy any other file (non scene file) inside the Mamba MIX32 folder.

    2. Downloading the scenes from the Mamba MIX32 folder inside Dropbox to Mamba MIX32 app.
        a. Launch Mamba MIX32 and navigate to the mixer options screen.
        b. Press the Sync button listed under the Dropbox logo. The Sync button will turn green. You can now download the scene files from the Mamba MIX32 folder to Mamba MIX32 app.
        c. Press the Download button listed under the Dropbox logo. The scene files will be moved from the Mamba MIX32 folder inside your Dropbox.
        d. You can now access the downloaded scene files by pressing the Load Scene button on the mixer options screen, or the Load button on the mixer screen.

E. Unlinking your Dropbox account from Mamba MIX32:
    The current version of Mamba MIX32 allows you to link to only one Dropbox account at a time. You can link Mamba MIX32 app to another account by following the steps below.
    1. Navigate to the mixer options screen.
    2. Press the Un-Link button listed under the Dropbox logo. Mamba MIX32 app is now unlinked. The Mamba MIX32 folder is not removed from your Dropbox.
    3. Sign into Dropbox using the another account (or the same account if you want to re-link).
    4. Repeat steps in section B.
    5. The Acct. Info button listed under the Dropbox displays the user name for the Dropbox account that is currently linked to Mamba MIX32.

If your iPad is a shared by other users then pls make sure to:
1. unlink the Mamba MIX32 App with your drop box - Section C
2. Sign out from the DropBox App
to make sure your drop box info. is not visible to other.

NetworkSound, Mamba MIX and the NetworkSound logo are trademarks of NetworkSound, Inc.